The Church of Scotland Cumbernauld Trinity Parish Church
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Sunday Worship:
11:00am in the Parish Church, Baronhill, Cumbernauld Village, G67 2SD
2.30pm in the St Mungo's Hub, St Mungo's Road, Cumbernauld, G67 1QP
(any changes will be noted below)

A warm welcome is extended to all visitors

Latest News
: updated on 24th March 2025

Fairtrade logo - Cumbernauld Trinity is a Fairtrade Church

Worship at Cumbernauld Trinity

Our morning worship service on Sunday 30th March will take place at 11.00am in the Village church and will be led this week by Ivar Struthers. As this Sunday is Mothering Sunday, please note that there will be no Cafe Church this week. We'll be back as usual at 2.30pm on Sunday 6th April in the St Mungo's Hub.

All our worship services are open to everyone, so please join us!

We have a new website! Visit us at or on our Facebook page.

As a result, this website won't be updated from the end of March 2025.

Spring Fair - Saturday 29th March
Cumbernauld Trinity will be holding a Spring Fayre in the St Mungo’s Hub on Saturday 29th March, from 10.00 to 1.00pm. Tickets priced £4 are now available from Morag Rusk, Christine Robertson, or Anne Morrison or at the door on the day and includes unlimited tea / coffee and home baking.
Please also let us know if you can help on the day on the stalls or tearoom, or contribute items/small gifts. All money raised will go to church funds.

Glasgow Close Knit 850 Project
If you have been busy knitting squares for this project, please bring them along to the St Mungo’s Hub at 1:30pm on Thursday 3rd April, and again on 1st May and 5th June to sort them into colours and create some beautifully patterned blankets, and enjoy fellowship, chat and a cuppa.

Easter Egg Appeal
We will be holding our Easter Egg Appeal on Sunday 6th April. This has been a long-standing campaign that has been greatly supported and appreciated. As in previous years, all donations of chocolate Easter Eggs will be collected at Sunday Worship and distributed through our own food bank in the Village, as well as at Bethlehem House of Bread at Cornerstone Church. All donations are welcome and every gift will be a reminder to the recipient of the grace and love of God.
It was especially gratifying to see 'The Real Easter Egg' feature prominently last year. Fairtrade chocolate, which supports cocoa producers in the developing world, is becoming more readily available which is good to see.
Thanks to everyone for their support.

Heritage Evenings
Our talented organist Siobhan has arranged a series of three evenings in the Village church honouring our Scottish culture titled 'By The Peat Fire Flame'. They will be a celebration of all things Scottish: music, poems, songs, stories and history, promising to be a fascinating insight into what it means to be Scottish. One took place in March and was great fun, and the other two dates are:
  • Friday 11th April
  • Friday 9th May
Each event lasts just an hour, from 7pm until 8pm, and entry is by voluntary donation.

Ladies' Circle outing
The Ladies' Circle is arranging an outing to the Cumbernauld Lanternhouse Cinema on Sunday 13th April at 2.00 see 'The Dream Continues’ as part of the Andre Rieu 75th birthday celebrations. Tickets are - full price £19.50, over 65 and Young at Heart £16.00. Please contact Angela Johnstone at church if you require tickets.

Breakfast Cafe
The Breakfast Cafe, run by Cumbernauld and Carbrain Community Hub, is open every Thursday from 9.30am to 12 noon at the St Mungo's Hub of Cumbernauld Trinity. The Breakfast Café has hot rolls starting at just £1 and drinks from 50p.

Village Food Bank
The Village Food Bank is open every Thursday from 10.30 - 12.30 in the Session House at Cumbernauld Trinity in the Village. You can help by remembering the food bank in your prayers, by volunteering or by leaving donated items in the box in the church vestibule on Sunday mornings.

© Cumbernauld Trinity Parish Church of Scotland; Registered Scottish Charity SC000877
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