The Church of Scotland Cumbernauld Trinity Parish Church
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Sunday Worship:
11:00am in the Parish Church, Baronhill, Cumbernauld Village, G67 2SD
2.30pm in the St Mungo's Hub, St Mungo's Road, Cumbernauld, G67 1QP
(any changes will be noted below)

A warm welcome is extended to all visitors

Latest News
: updated on 19th September 2024

Fairtrade logo - Cumbernauld Trinity is a Fairtrade Church

Cumbernauld Trinity Parish Church

The congregation of Cumbernauld Trinity Parish Church was created on Thursday 15th August by the union of Cumbernauld Old and Kildrum and St Mungo’s Parish Churches at a Service of Union conducted by the Presbytery of Glasgow.

Please join us at Cumbernauld Trinity for worship on Sunday 22nd September as we meet for morning worship in the Village at 11.00am and at Cafe Church in the St Mungo's hub at 2.30pm. Both services will be conducted by Rev James Gemmell and everyone is welcome. 

Please bear with us until we migrate to a new website. However, all the latest news from Cumbernauld Trinity Parish Church will be on our Facebook page.

Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club, run by Cumbernauld and Carbrain Community Hub, has re-started after the summer and is on Thursday mornings from 9.30am - 12.00 noon in St Mungo’s Hub.  This is a vital service for the community and provides breakfast, as well as a warn and welcoming space. From Thursday 12th September there will be a small charge for breakfast. A selection of rolls and fillings, to a full breakfast are on the menu. All are welcome and are encouraged to come and enjoy breakfast.

Village Food Bank
Our Village Food bank is open every Thursday from 10.30 - 12.30 in the Session House at Cumbernauld Trinity Parish Church. Suggested donations include:
Tins, jars or packets of spaghetti, beans, meat balls, stew, ravioli, cold meat, hot dogs, pasta, soup, sauces, fruit, custard, rice, carrots, peas, etc., biscuits, jam, meat paste. Toiletries including shower gel, soap, shampoo and deodorant. These can be left at the church any Sunday. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.

Doors Open Days 2024
Cumbernauld Trinity is taking part in the annual Doors Open Days event, being held over the weekend of Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th September. The St Mungo's Hub will be open on both days from 12.30 to 2.30pm, and the Village church will be open on the Sunday from 1.00pm - 4.00pm.
This free event allows you to have a look around our buildings at your leisure and ask any questions you may have about their architecture and history. At the Village there will also be the opportunity to look at some old photographs of the area and additional archive material.

The Prayer Course 2
We are planning to run another session of The Prayer Course in St Mungo's Hub on Wednesday evenings starting on Wednesday 2nd October at 7.30pm. The Prayer Course 2 deals mainly with the issue of 'unanswered prayer' and will be a series of videos and discussions, led by Rev James Gemmell over a period of five or six weeks. Everyone welcome.

Macmillan Coffee Morning
A coffee morning in support of Macmillan Cancer Support will be held in St Mungo’s Hub on Saturday 5th October from 10am-1pm. Entry will be £3 for tea / coffee and cakes, and for a little bit extra there will be a chance to win a prize. There will also be some small items for sale, with the proceeds for this going to Cancer Research.
This is a worthy cause which has been supported well in the past. A total of £750 was raised last year. Further details and tickets are available from Morag Rusk and Christine Robertson, but you can also pay at the door on the day. Please mark the date in your diaries.

Men's Group
The next meeting of the Cumbernauld Trinity Men's Group will be on Wednesday 9th October starting at 7.30pm in the Session House in the Village. The guest speaker will be Craig Mains talking about "Goin aroond in Circles" - the Glasgow underground. All welcome!

Annual Harvest Appeal
As part of our worship on Sunday 13th October we will be holding our annual Harvest Appeal in support of the Village food bank and Bethlehem House of Bread at Cornerstone.
You can support the food bank in various ways: by simply including all those involved in your prayers, and if you are able, by popping a donation in the collection box in the church vestibule on a Sunday morning, or responding to our Harvest Appeal itself on the day. All donations of packet or tinned foods are welcome, as are everyday toiletries. Thank you as always for your generous support.

© Cumbernauld Trinity Parish Church of Scotland; Registered Scottish Charity SC000877
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